Sunday, May 20, 2007

My pattern

My pattern is done, my tester is done, my socks are done. Just waiting to send it in now.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


So I have been knitting on everything BUT these socks. *sigh* but I have been knitting socks just to hone my sock skillz. So I use that as my excuse. Anyway, looking forward to getting into these. I have them planned out already, so it is just a matter of knitting them, writing the pattern and having a friend test knit the pattern. weeeeee!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Where to send the pattern

I am still working on my pattern, but I have been looking for the information on where to send the pattern and pictures once we have completed everything. I can't seem to find this information. Will this be posted sometime soon?